Customer Testimonials
“We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation for all your help, dedication and hard work over the last ten years.  It means a lot that we are able to rely on your company to service our complex to such a high standard.  Thanks again."
SandraSurrey B.C.

 “I have used the services of Gordon and his crew for many years now.  He and his crew have always done a fantastic job for me at a very competitive price.  He is very easy to work with and completes the work as agreed.  I highly recommend Gordon to everyone."Neil C., Property ManagerVancouver B.C.

"Sanderson Maintenance has been looking after our complex for eight  years.  Gordon, Jason and the crew are friendly and without exception, always accomodating.  We are delighted to have them!"
Delta B.C.

"Gordon, you have a great maintenance group.  They arrive consistently on the right day and on time which is greatly appreciated."
Sourth Surrey B.C.